CHAPTER 5: STATUS GENERATOR889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–5Figure 5-5: Generator Status Logic DiagramNOTENOTE:The Generator breaker has to be configured as Breaker 1. If it is not configured as Breaker 1or its status is unknown, the Generator Status shows as Unknown.RUNNING HOURSRange: 0 to 100,000 hrs in steps of 1Default: 0 hrsThe Running Hours field shows accumulated generator running time in hours. Refer tothe Running Hours element description for more details.FIELD BKR STATUSRange: Unknown, Open, CloseDefault: UnknownThe Field Breaker Status shows Open or Close if the FIeld Breaker Discrepancy element isconfigured. Otherwise the status displays Unknown.THERMAL CAPACITY USEDRange: 0 to 100 % in steps of 1 %Default: 0 %The Thermal Capacity Used value is continuously calculated in percentage andirrespective of whether the Thermal Model element is enabled or not enabled. This valueis only displayed when the Thermal Model element is enabled.ESTIMATED TRIP TIME ON OLRange: Never, 0 to 65000 s in steps of 1 sDefault: NeverThis value is available when the Thermal Overload element is enabled, and representsthe estimated time to trip (in seconds) from the thermal overload model assuming thatthe generator current remains at its current level. By default the value is 'Never' whichindicates that the Thermal Overload element never operated.894137A1.cdrFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSGen Status OnlineANDFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSBKR1 CLOSED|VAB||VBC||VCA|J - Slot VoltagesFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSANY TRIPFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSBKR1 OPENEDOR|V CA| > 0.5 x VT|V BC| > 0.5 x VT|V AB | > 0.5 x VTANDFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSGen Status TrippedFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSGen Status OfflineANDANDFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSGen StatusUnknownORFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSBKR1 Unknown State