4–32 889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALDEVICE CHAPTER 4: SETPOINTSNetwork Settings MenuThe following are the network settings menu of the 889 to accommodate the features ofthe 889 product. If the communications card is installed network port 1 is no longeravailable. When using more than one Ethernet port, configure each to belong to a differentnetwork or subnet using the IP addresses and mask, else communication becomesunpredictable when more than one port is configured to the same subnet.NOTENOTE:The softkeys and Down/Up key can be used to enter an IP address. When entering an IPaddress you must press the “Back” key first to switch between softkey mode and theDown/Up key mode.NETWORK 1, 4, 5, PRT1(4,5) IP ADDRESSRange: Standard IPV4 Address formatDefault: (Port 1)Default: (Port 4, 5)The setting sets the port’s IPV4 address in standard IPV4 format.NOTENOTE:The setting is valid on port 1 if the optional communications card is not present.The setting is valid on port 5 if port 4’s OPERATION is set to INDEPENDENT.PRT1(4,5) SUBNET IP MASKRange: Standard IPV4 mask formatDefault: (Port 1)Default: (Port 4, 5)This setting specifies the IPv4 mask associated with the corresponding port IP address.PRT1 GWY ADDRESSThis setting sets the ports IPv4 GATEWAY address in standard IPv4 format.This setting is only valid on port 1.This setting is not present on port 4 and 5, which are available on the communicationscard.NOTENOTE:The communications card comes with the capability of setting a number of static routesand one default route, which is used instead of default gateways.Notes:• The fiber optic ports support only 100 Mbps.• Changes to the Ethernet communications settings take effect only after rebooting therelay.• All Ethernet ports have flex operands associated with them. A failure of one of theEthernet ports will trigger an event, a target message and the corresponding operandset.