CHAPTER 5: STATUS ARC FLASH889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–7Arc FlashPath: Status > Arc Flash > Arc Flash 1The status value shows the state of the given Flex operand related to Arc Flash protection.Light 1(4) PKPRange: ON, OFFHS Phase IOC PKP A/B/CRange: ON, OFFHS Ground IOC PKPRange: ON, OFFArc Flash OPRange: ON, OFFContact InputsPath: Status > Contact InputsThe status of the Contact Inputs is shown here (see device menu via the menu path). The‘Off/On’ display indicates the logic state of the Contact Input.Output RelaysPath: Status > Output RelaysThe status of all output relays is shown here, see above. In the “ITEM NAME” column, thevalue indicates the label on the output terminal. The value column indicates the presentON or OFF state of the output relay.Virtual InputsPath: Status > Virtual Inputs 1(X)The state of all virtual inputs is shown here, see next figure. The value for each Virtual Inputis shown on the control panel graphically as a toggle switch in either the On (|) state or theOff (O) state.