4–72 889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSYSTEM CHAPTER 4: SETPOINTSGeneratorSetup Generator system setup allows the user to enter generator rated values from thenameplate (provided by the generator manufacturer). These generator rated values areused to derive settings for protection and control functions within this device as well as tocalculate other rated quantities.Rated Full Load Current of the generatorRated MW (Active power) of the generatorRated MVAR (Reactive power) of the generator (obtained by arc/inverse cosine function ofrated power factor, and then its sine function)Path: Setpoints > System > GeneratorRATED MVARange: 0.001 to 2000.000 MVA in steps of 0.001 MVADefault: 50.000 MVAEnter the generator rated power rating in MVA. Typically this value is obtained from thegenerator nameplate or design datasheet. The rated MVA of the generator is used toderive other rated values such as rated MW, MVAR, etc.RATED POWER FACTORRange: 0.00 to 0.99 pf in steps of 0.01 pfDefault: 0.85 pfEnter the generator rated power factor (lagging) value. This value is used to derive otherrated values such as rated MW, MVAR, etc.RATED VOLTAGE PHASE-PHASERange: 0.0 to 30000.0 in steps of 0.1VDefault: 13800.0 VEnter the generator rated phase-to-phase (or line-to-line) voltage in Volts.AVERAGE CALC. PERIODRange: 1 to 90 min in steps of 1 minDefault: 15 minThis setting adjusts the period of time over which average values for generator recordsare calculated, such as the generator average load.