5-15Monitoring of NEC Express5800/ft seriesNEC Express5800/ft series is a fault tolerant system. It can continue the operation even if a majorcomponent fails. NEC Express5800/ft series improves the system availability with the hardware,NEC ESMPRO, and system software functions.If a major component fails, the NEC ESMPRO fault report function can notify the systemAdministrator of the occurrence of the fault. In addition, the data viewer of NEC ESMPROManager can monitor the system status and also identify the failed component.NEC ESMPRO provides several maintenance functions such as the update of F/W and BIOS in theNEC Express5800/ft series in the online state (in which the system continues the operation but thecomponents used to update F/W or BIOS is suspended) and the suspension of a specific component.The table below lists the NEC Express5800/ft series management tasks using NEC ESMPRO andsystem functions.NEC Express5800/ftseries management taskNEC ESMPRO function ortool(on managed NECExpress5800/ft series)NEC ESMPRO function or tool(on management manager)Monitoring of majorcomponent states – NEC ESMPRO Managerdata viewerDiagnosis and start/stop ofmajor components and F/WupdateNEC ESMPRO Agentft server utilityNEC ESMPRO Managerdata viewerBMC F/W update NEC ESMPRO AgentBMC F/W update utility –Confirmation of alert orconfirmation of faultoccurrence eventinformationsyslog NEC ESMPRO ManagerAlert ViewerConfirmation of H/W errorlogNEC ESMPRO Agent –The report of a fault occurrence in the NEC Express5800/ft series (alert) is immediately sent to theNEC ESMPRO Manager. When the NEC ESMPRO Manager receives the alert, a popup messageappears.The alert contains the detailed information of the fault and the proper countermeasures. You cantake the appropriate action for the alert.