5-38Start and Stop of ComponentsTo start or stop a component with NEC ESMPRO Manager, use the [Maintenance] tree of thecomponent in the [FTServer] tree of the data viewer. Open the tree of the component to be started orstopped and select the [Maintenance] tree.To start or stop a component with the ft server utility, use the utility screen of the component.The table below shows the potential cases in which a component is to be started or stopped.Start StopCompo-nent Remote Local Remote LocalCPUModuleWhen the cause ofdown is reviewedand the system isrestarted in moduledown state.Executable in any ofthe following modulestates (this can beviewed on managerscreen):• Removed• Broken• Shot• FirmwareUpdate Complete• DiagnosticsPassedWhen the cause ofdown is reviewedand the system isrestarted in moduledown state.Executable in thefollowing modulestate:• Only the redLED is onOnly the red LED ison when the moduleis in one of thefollowing states:• Removed• Broken• Shot• FirmwareUpdate Complete• DiagnosticsPassedWhen system isstopped forciblydue to replacementor malfunction ofmodule.Executable in thefollowing modulestate (this can beviewed on managerscreen):• DuplexWhen system isstopped forciblydue to replacementor malfunction ofmodule.Executable in thefollowing modulestate:• Only the greenLED is on and inredundantconfigurationstateThe both greenLEDs are on whenthe module is in thefollowing state:• DuplexPCI Module Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as aboveRemote: Executable from remote management PC by using NEC ESMPRO ManagerLocal: Executable on local server by using ft server utility–: Not supportIMPORTANT: PCI modules, SCSI adapters, SCSI buses, and modules under the SCSIenclosure have impact on each other. You need to be aware of this, for example, when youreplace a PCI module. For details, see “Impact When Module Status Changes” in“supplement”.