5-21depending on the model, only the thresholds can be displayed in the data viewer of NEC ESMPROManager. NEC ESMPRO Manager performs monitoring by using the optimum thresholds specifiedto each model.AlertSome detail information of alerts displayed on the alert viewer appears as “Unknown” depending onalerts.Change Settings of File System Monitoring FunctionNew settings in thresholds of monitoring interval and free space monitoring are not reflectedimmediately after they are changed. They are reflected at the next monitoring interval of monitoringservice.Actions to Take When Temperature/Voltage Error Occurs on CPU/PCI ModulesAt the time when a temperature or voltage error occurs on CPU/PCI module, necessary actions willdiffer depending on their status as shown below. You can check the status of each module from thedata viewer of NEC ESMPRO Manager or ft server utility.TIPS: If the status is “Empty,” the module is not mounted. Sensor monitoring is not conducted. If disks are mounted on PCI modules, the status of both modules is “Simplex” while thedisks are mirrored. Temperature or voltage error occurring during disk mirroring willresult in the system to shut down.Shutdown MonitoringWhen performing shutdown monitoring, all shutdown processes are to be monitored. If there areany applications which use shutdown process that does not require restarting the OS or turning offthe power, specify a longer timeout period, or turn off the monitoring.When [ft Server] Tree Appears on a Data Viewer in an Incorrect MannerIf you perform a Data Viewer startup or tree rebuilding just after the system starts up or after thePCI module starts up/shuts down, the [Ft Server] tree side may not appear normally on the DataViewer. In this case, wait for 5 minutes before retrying a Data Viewer startup.Information Displayed on a Data ViewerSome information of the devices cannot be acquired due to the OS specifications. These devices aredisplayed as “Unknown” on the Data Viewer of the NEC ESMPRO Manager. Also, accurateinformation may not be acquired due to the OS specifications. In such case, accurate informationmay not be displayed.Status ActionsDuplex Stop the failed CPU/PCI module.Other than duplex or empty Shut down the system.