2-4NEC Express5800/ft series mainly provides the following advantages: Highly fault-tolerant processing and I/O subsystemsNEC Express5800/ft series use redundant hardware and software to assure serveroperation even if one module suffers trouble with its processor, memory, I/O (includingtrouble related to the I/O controller), disk drive, or Ethernet adapter. Continuous network connectionNEC Express5800/ft series maintains continuous network connection by detecting anytrouble with the network adapter, connection, etc. If trouble occurs, the standby networkconnection will take over all network traffic processing and thus securely maintain thenetwork system connection of NEC Express5800/ft series without losing network trafficor client connection. Support of multiple network connectionsSince NEC Express5800/ft series can support multiple Ethernet connections, you can addnetwork redundant control or network traffic control. Industry standard hardware platformNEC Express5800/ft series uses IA (Intel Architecture)-based system hardware. No need to modify applicationsYou can run Linux-compliant applications on NEC Express5800/ft series. Thus, unlikeother highly fault-tolerant products, special API or scripts are not necessary. Automatic mirroringNEC Express5800/ft series automatically maintains data as the current data. Automatic detection and notification of faultsNEC Express5800/ft series detects and sorts out all events such as general status changesand faults, and notifies Syslog of these events. Transparent migrationNEC Express5800/ft series constantly monitors events. If trouble occurs on NECExpress5800/ft series’ server module, it will transparently use a redundant module of thefailed module. This feature maintains data and user access without losing applicationservice. Automatic reconfigurationWhen the failed module restarts after the trouble is corrected, NEC Express5800/ft serieswill perform reconfiguration automatically, and if necessary, resynchronize the affectedmodules. Reconfiguration can include CPU processing (e.g., CPU memory), server'soperating system (and related applications), and system data stored on the hard disks. Inmost cases, NEC Express5800/ft series automatically restores redundancy of the servermodules after recovery.