8-49 PCI Board Status LED IndicationsLEDindications Description ActionGreen Duplex is specified,however, the serverworks in simplexmode.Configure duplex.Reapply the driver.The PCI board isproperly installed andoperating innon-duplex mode.(Does not depend onsimplex or duplexmode.)In non-duplex mode, no specific problem occurs.The PCI board isproperly installed andduplex is configured.The system is operating normally in duplex mode.OffThe PCI board is notinstalled yet, the PCIboard is installedincorrectly, or thepower is not supplied.Mount the PCI board correctly.If the PCI board was not mounted, there is noproblem.Check the condition of power unit.Remount the PCI module.In the process ofconfiguring orcanceling the duplexmode.Wait for a while until the indication changes. If theindication does not change, check the status of theinstalled PCI board slot using NEC ESMPROManager.RedAlthough the PCIboard is mounted, it isoffline or notfunctioning.Make the installed PCI board slot online from NECESMPRO Manager.Mount the PCI board correctly.