7-14POST Error MessagesPowering on the server automatically starts the self-diagnostic program, POST (Power OnSelf-Test). When POST detects any error, it displays an error message and its measure on thedisplay unit. Follow the table below to troubleshoot such errors.Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0.XXXX:CPU=Pentium III XXX MHz0640K System RAM Passed0127M Extended RAM PassedWARNING:02B0: Diskette drive A error.:press to resume, to SETUPMessage indicating a floppy disk drive errorTIPS: For error messages on optional PCI board, refer to the manual provided with thoseoptions.On-screen error message Cause Action0200 Failure Fixed Disk • Configuration error inSetup menu.• Hard disk is faulty.• CPU module board isfaulty.• PCI module board isfaulty.• Check configuration inSetup menu.• Replace the hard disk.• Replace the CPU moduleboard.• Replace the PCI moduleboard.0210 Stuck Key Keyboard connection error • Disconnect the keyboardand connect it back again.• Replace the keyboard.• Replace the PCI moduleboard.0211 Keyboard error Keyboard is faulty.0212 Keyboard ControllerFailedKeyboard controller is faulty.• Check the keyboardconnection.• Restart the server.• Replace the PCI moduleboard.0213 Keyboard locked -Unlock key switchKeyboard is locked. Unlock the key switch.0220 Monitor type does notmatch CMOS - RunSETUPIllegal monitor type isspecified.• Select "Get Default Value"from the Setup menu.• Clear the CMOS data.0230 System RAM Failed atoffsetDIMM is faulty. • Replace DIMM.• Replace the CPU moduleboard.0231 Shadow RAM Failed atoffsetDIMM is faulty. • Replace DIMM.• Replace the CPU moduleboard.