8-11adding disks to Slot3 of Group1 and Group2 by using ftdiskadm:(Example)After selecting “y”, RAID configuration starts, and unless there is any problem, the processcompletes. The status of RAID can be viewed by the above “Raid Status”.*1 Before entering the slot number, make sure the disk and the other disk of the pair are inserted tothe SCSI slots.*2 When necessary, enter a disk label. When the disk is to be used as a single partition, the disklabel will be used as entered here. If the disk is to be divided to multiple partitions, “enteredvalue_s<partition number>” will be used. However, disk labels may be changed by usingcommands including e2label.*3 Enter a number of partitions to divide the disk. Then enter the size in MB for each partition. Forthe last partition, the remaining value will be assigned automatically. The partition numberbegins with 1 and the next number will be 5 and the rest will be in ascending order. A certainsize of partition is reserved for the last partition. Thus the range of specifiable value is smallerthan the actual disk capacity. In addition, the actual partition size changes little depending on thedisk structure.