4-14 Configuring Your WorkstationOption Parameter Description Your SettingACPI SuspendType[S3]S1Specify a power-suspend mode (sleepmode) if the power-saving feature by OS(power is controlled in ACPI mode) issupported.If set to "S1", Wake On LAN feature isdisabled.[ ]: Factory-setNOTE: [ACPI Suspend Type]When set to "S3 (factory-set)", all the system contexts excluding systemmemory are lost. The hardware manages the memory context, andrestores the configuration information of CPU and secondary cachememory. When set to "S1", the system contexts of CPU and chipset isretained even while in sleep mode. The hardware manages all of thesystem contexts. When returning from the sleep state by pressing thePOWER/SLEEP switch with "S3" being set, the system may berestored in the state where [Power off the monitor] is specified forPower Option Properties. However, this is not displayed on the screen.Perform keyboard or mouse operation to return to the normal state.With "S3" being set, returning from the sleep mode may fail dependingon option board. Change parameter to "S1" in such a case.