304 Provisioning IP Trunk 3.01 (and later) in TM 3.1Figure 95New ITG Node - Configuration tabA minimum of one IP trunk card, Leader 0, must be defined. Thiscard acts as the leader card on startup and remains as leader untilit suffers some sort of failure that would require changeover to theBackup Leader card.TM 3.1 requires that the second card that is provisioned beconfigured as Leader 1 (Backup Leader). Leader 1 must beconfigured before any Follower cards are provisioned.10 Enter the appropriate data in the following fields:• Card role – the default is Leader 0, indicating that this is theprimary leader. Other options include Leader 1 (Backup) andFollower.• Management IP – the IP trunk card ELAN network interface IPaddressThe MAC address entered must match the IP trunk card’s MACaddress, or the card cannot be used. The MAC address is uniqueto every card and if the address is entered is incorrect, the TM 3.1server cannot send any information to the IP trunk card.• Management MAC – the IP trunk card ELAN MAC address• Voice IP – the IP trunk card’s TLAN network interface IP addressfor RTP and H.323 messagingNortel Communication Server 1000IP Trunk FundamentalsNN43001-563 02.01 StandardRelease 5.5 21 December 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks.