Tracking your incoming calls 87P0908510 Issue 01 Enterprise Edge Feature Programming Telephone GuideDisplaysThe caller's name is unavailable.The caller’s number is unavailable._ indicates a new item.¯ indicates that the call was answered.§ indicates a long distance call./ indicates that the stored number has been shortenedto its final 11 digits. Press √ or MORE todisplay additional information about the call.One or more log entries have been deleted by theAutobumping feature while you are looking at the CallLog.Hold or release your active call before entering CallLog.The external line is in use.The repeat call counter, shown along with time anddate, indicates the number of calls you have receivedfrom the same caller.This call was answered at another telephone (227).This call was logged manually.This call was not answered.There are one or more items in your message waitinglist, and there are one or more new items in your CallLog. Press ƒ°‚fl to change the firstline of the display to the current time and date.You have viewed your last old log item and now viewyour new log items.1:Unknown name1:Unknown number12:KATE SMITHNEXT ERASE MORE12¯KATE SMITHNEXT ERASE MORE12§KATE SMITHNEXT ERASE MORE49/1234567890123NEXT ERASE MORECall(s) bumpedHold or releaseIn use: SETNAMEJan 4 9:00a 3XNEXT ERASE MORELine061 ¯227NEXT ERASE MORELine061 ¯LogitNEXT ERASE MORELine061NEXT ERASE MOREMessages & CallsMSG CALLSNew calls begin