1-21Section 1 Basic Use of this Fax• The FINE and SUPER FINE resolutions reproduce clearer imagesin comparison to transmission with the Normal resolution, buttransmission time is longer.• The PHOTO MODE resolution reproduces greys clearly, buttransmission time is longer than with the Normal or FINEresolutions.• To transmit with the ULTRA FINE resolution, 4 MB of optionalBitmap Memory must be installed. If the additional Bitmap Memoryis not installed, documents will be transmitted with the SUPERFINE resolution even if ULTRA FINE is selected.• To transmit with the SUPER FINE or ULTRA FINE resolutions, thereceiving fax must have the corresponding resolution capabilities inorder to benefit from their features. If the receiving fax does nothave the corresponding capability, transmission will beaccomplished with the FINE resolution.Selecting the resolutionIt is possible to select a resolution from among the 5 availablesettings.* Ordinarily, all of the resolution indicators are out; and theNormal resolution is thus selected. If you want to use theNormal resolution, there is no need to change this setting.* If you want to change the resolution, press the resolutionselect key until the resolution indicator that corresponds tothe desired resolution is lit.l Resolutions• Normal: For transmitting documents with standard sizecharacters• FINE: For transmitting documents with relatively smallcharacters or thin lines• SUPER FINE: For transmitting documents with detailed linesand characters• ULTRA FINE: For transmitting the clearest reproduction ofdocuments with detailed lines and characters• PHOTO MODE: For transmitting the clearest reproduction ofdocuments containing both photographs as well as text4455 Selecting the contrastIt is possible to select a contrast from among the 3 availablesettings.* Ordinarily, all of the contrast indicators are out; and theNormal contrast is thus selected. If you want to use theNormal contrast, there is no need to changes this setting.* If you want to change the contrast, press the contrast selectkey to select the contrast most suitable to the documentsbeing transmitted. If you want to increase (darken) thecontrast at which documents are scanned, press the contrastselect key until the DARKER indicator is lit. If you want toreduce (lighten) the contrast at which documents arescanned, press the contrast select key until the LIGHTERindicator is lit.