4-22Section 4 Other Features of this Fax4. Use the cursor up or the cursor down key to select “Subaddressbox output”.5. Press the Enter key.6. Use the keypad to enter the subaddress (4 digits) thatcorresponds to the F-Code Box where the documents you want toprint are stored.7. Press the Enter key.* If you registered “0000” as the F-Code password, the documentswill be automatically printed out at this point; the procedure fromstep 8 will not be necessary.* If there are no documents in the selected F-Code Box, an errormessage will appear in the message display and then theoperation panel will return to the initial mode settings.* If the subaddress you entered is not registered in the fax,an error message will appear and then the message display willreturn to a display that allows you to enter the subaddress again.8. Enter the F-Code password (4 digits) that corresponds to thatF-Code Box.* If you want to reset the displayed number to “0000”, simply pressthe Stop/Clear key.9. Press the Enter key.The documents that are in your F-Code Box will be printed out.* If the F-Code password that you entered does not match theregistered one, an error message will appear and then themessage display will return to a display that allows you to enterthe F-Code password again. Check and enter the correctpassword.2 Printing Out Documents from an F-Code BoxPerform the following procedure to print out documents that havebeen received into your F-Code Box. If the documents are printedout correctly, the data will be deleted from that box.If you are using an F-Code Box for F-Code Based Bulletin BoardTransmission and you want to delete that data, simply print out thedocuments and the data will be deleted from that box.* If you registered “0000” as the F-Code password for your F-CodeBox, it is not necessary to enter a password just to print outdocuments from that box. In this case, only the subaddress youenter needs to be correct in order to print out your documents.* If you want to cancel the procedure part way through, press theReset key. The operation panel will return to the initial mode settings.1. Raise both cover plates and press the CONFIDENTIAL key.The “Confidential comm.” menu will appear in the message display.Confidential comm.:ê Confidential TXBox inputBox output2. Use the cursor up or the cursor down key to select “Box output”.3. Press the Enter key.Confidential comm.:Confidential TXBox inputê Box outputBox output:ê Print confidential boxSubaddress box outputBox output:Print confidential boxê Subaddress box outputSubaddress:0404Enter subaddress numbersPassword:0000Enter your passwordPassword:4040Enter your passwordSubaddress:0000Enter subaddress numbers01-DEC-1999 12:00Set original