An entry code can also be specified to restrict access to the call. The entry code can be set when the callerinitiates the conference group call. If an entry code is to be set, usually the caller will inform call participants inadvance.[Starting a Conference Group Call using Hands-free Answerback]Hands-free Answerback can be enabled for conference group member extensions. By initiating a conferencegroup call with a conference group that includes an extension that has Hands-free Answerback(® 2.4.4 Hands-free Answerback) enabled, such as a softphone, the call can be automatically answered andthe conference begins with only one participant (the initiator of the conference group call). Then, up to 6participants can use Join After Time Out to join the conference. For example, a manager can organise ameeting where all the members are calling from cellular phones and use Join After Time Out to join theconference.Conditions• Only extensions that are permitted by COS programming can originate conference group calls.• Conference Group Call Control features are unavailable if an SLT or SIP extension is used to initiate thecall.• Users of PSs other than the KX-TCA175/KX-TCA275/KX-TCA185/KX-TCA285/KX-TCA385 may be ableto enable the automatic answering of calls for this feature by changing their PSs’ settings. For details, referto the operating instructions of the PS.• After one conference group member answers the call, the conference or announcement is established.• If no members answer the call within the preprogrammed time limit, the caller will hear a busy tone.• The caller will hear a confirmation tone every time a member answers the call.• When the originating caller of a conference group call goes on hook, the call ends and all participatingmembers will be disconnected.• The conference group call will reach a member extension regardless of settings such as Call Forwarding(except DND).• If a member extension is busy and has Call Waiting for trunk calls activated when a conference group callis made, a call waiting tone will be sent to the extension.• For members who use a KX-TCA175/KX-TCA275/KX-TCA185/KX-TCA285/KX-TCA385 PS, whenautomatic answer is enabled for the conference group and the extension is busy when a conference groupcall is made, the PS will automatically answer the call if the member goes on-hook while the conferencecall is still ringing. A PT will ring instead of answering the call.• The call information of the caller (not members) will be recorded on SMDR.• A caller cannot make a conference group call with a call on hold.• Call Pickup is not available for a conference group call. (® 2.4.3 Call Pickup)• The conference group call will not reach members when:– the member extension has set DND for intercom calls.– the member extension is a PS in Wireless XDP Parallel Mode. (® Wireless XDP ParallelMode)• If a conversation has reached the maximum number of participants, the Join After Time Out feature cannotbe used to join the conversation.• If a member uses push-to-talk to enable the ability to speak during a Broadcast Mode call, the membercannot disable this ability. They can mute their microphone manually, or the originator of the call can useconference group call control to disable their ability to speak.• Since each PS requires one wireless channel, note your PBX’s wireless capacity when assigning multiplePSs to a conference group.PC Programming Manual References10.3 PBX Configuration—[2-3] System—Timers & Counters—Miscellaneous— Conference GroupCall—Ring Duration (s)Feature Guide 2052.15.1 Conference Group Call