Incoming CallDistribution Group 1(Floating extension no.: 601;Name: Sales)Log-outLog-inExtn.101Extn.102Extn.103Extn.104Extn.105Extn.105Supervisor ExtensionExtn.100Calls arriving at incoming calldistribution group 1.Queuing FeatureFive calls arewaiting in a queue.Monitors or controls theincoming call distributiongroup status.4589123Group Call DistributionCalls are distributed by theassigned method.(Only three extensions[agents] can answer thecall for Busy on Busy.)Overflow Featurea) Sends a busy tone (Busy on Busy), orb) Redirects to the overflow destination.Manual Queue RedirectionThe longest waiting call in a queuecan be redirected to the overflowdestination by pressing the Hurry-upbutton. The button shows the Hurry-up status.DEFBAC* 2* 3* 167*1 ® Queuing Feature*2 ® Supervisory Feature*3 ® Log-in/Log-out1. Group Call Distribution [® Group Call Distribution]Incoming calls are distributed using one of the following methods:Distribution Method DescriptionUniform Call Distribution(UCD)Calls are distributed evenly to a different extension each timea call is received.Priority Hunting An idle extension is searched for in the specified order, alwaysstarting from the same location.Ring All extensions in the incoming call distribution group ringsimultaneously.2. Queuing Feature [® Queuing Feature]If a preprogrammed numbers of extensions in an incoming call distribution group are busy, apreprogrammed number of additional calls can wait in a queue.While calls are waiting in the queue, an outgoing message (OGM) or Music on Hold can be sent to thewaiting callers.3. VIP Call [® VIP Call]It is possible to assign a priority to incoming call distribution groups so that incoming calls can be receivedin priority order.4. Overflow Feature [® Overflow Feature]Feature Guide 512.2.2 Incoming Call Distribution Group Features