Setting Up Message Alert:■ From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.■ Press [1] for Message Alert.■ There are 4 options available to you:Press [1] to toggle message alert on and off.Press [2] to set the schedule when you would like to be notified.Press [3] to be notified on urgent messages only.Press [4] to set the destination phone number.2 Pager NotificationWhen this function is activated, the SVMi E-Series will call your beeper serviceand notify you after each message is left in your voice mailbox.■ From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.■ Press [2] for pager notification.■ There are 4 options available to you:Press [1] to toggle pager notification on and off.Press [2] to set the schedule when you would like to be paged.Press [3] to be notified on urgent messages only.Press [4] to set the pager phone number.3 UndeleteWhen this function is activated, the SVMi E-Series will allow you to undeleteany messages that you have recently deleted (up to the programmed DailyMaintenance Time, which is set to 3 a.m. by Default the following morning).■ From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.■ Press [3] for Deleted Messages.Deleted voice mail messages are temporarily stored in memory until 3 a.m.the following day. Select this option to recover ("undelete") previously delet-ed messages, during this period of time.4 Undelivered RetrievalWhen this function is activated, the /SVMi E-Series will allow you to recall anymessages you have sent that have NOT yet been picked up by the recipient.■ From the Subscriber Services Menu press [6] for Mailbox Administration.■ Press [4] for Undelivered Messages.71706 Edit Personal GreetingsYou may also edit/record each one of the greetings (1-9) at any time.Select a greeting number to edit and follow the instructions to record yourgreeting. When you are done recording your greeting, you will be able to lis-ten to the greeting you recorded, save the greeting you recorded and returnto the previous menu, record the greeting again, or exit without saving thegreeting.Note: If you record only the greeting assigned to the No-Answer CallCoverage Condition, then that greeting will play to callers for all Call CoverageConditions (No-Answer, Busy, Blocked, Night, and Rejected Caller). In this case,the salutation part of the greeting should be very general.7 Edit Mailbox GreetingUsed whenever a caller reaches your mailbox or if you have not recorded anyof the Call Coverage greetings. The way a caller is transferred to your mailboxgreeting directly, is by another subscriber transferring the caller to your mail-box using the VT (VoiceMail Transfer) key.This option is available only if the Administrator has assigned you the'Mailbox Greeting Option' feature.Example: “Hi, this is John Smith. Please leave me a message, I will call you assoon as I can.”Note: This greeting will only play if none of the 5 personal greetings hasplayed to the caller. A common usage for this Greeting is when anotherSubscriber is talking with a caller and uses the VT key on their phone to trans-fer the caller directly to your Mailbox.6MAILBOX ADMINISTRATIONThe Mailbox Administration menu is used to turn on and off your pager notifica-tion, message alert options and other message control features.1 Message AlertWhen this function is activated, the SVMi E-Series will call any outside orinside telephone number, after each message is left in your voice mailbox.To hear your message at the remote location when the SVMi E-Series callsyou, after you pick up the telephone and answer you will be instructed thatthere is a message and to enter your password. Simply enter your passwordand you will now be logged in.