CHAPTER 2. MMC Programming2-58 Samsung Business Communications(continued)No Option Default Description56 VOIP REALRBT OFF When ON, the system will connect the real path of the outgo-ing trunk to the incoming VoIP trunk user instead of providingvirtual ringback tone.57 CO-CO TM ALL OFF When ON, the system trunk call will be attached timer forpreven the call from locking up58 SMDR LOG ALL OFF If the hotel feature is in admin/normal station mode and costis ‘0’, this option allows ‘smdr record save’.59 NO ITEM COST OFF If the hotel feature is in check-in mode, this option allowsskipping item code and cost input.60 SMDRAUT2ACCOFF When ON, the AUTHORIZATION CODE will be printed inACCOUNT field of SMDR.64 IPNW REAL RB OFF When ON, the system will connect the real path of the outgo-ing trunk to the VoIP networking trunk user instead of provid-ing virtual ringback tone.66 TRK AUTO MOH OFF When ON, an incoming trunk call is connected to MOHautomatically after the DISA ANSWR timer(MMC 503) ex-pires and the caller hears MOH. If the TRK AUTOMOH DISCtimer in MMC501 expires before the call is answered, it isdisconnected.(To use this feature, MMC 400 AUTO AN-SWER option must set to ON.)67 TRSF VT KEY ON When ON, works like the VT key when the user transfers thecall to Voice Mail using the TRSF key.68 PAIR NO RING OFF When ON, if a paired phone is busy the call camps on and amessage waiting indication is set at the busy phone anddoes not ring the free paired extension.69 DISA NO ACT OFF When ON, a DISA call will go to the station assigned in MMC406 after the DISA NO ACT timer expires.70 ICM AUTOHOLD OFF When ON, will allow internal calls to be put on hold auto-matically when another call is taken.71 DTMF TO S0 OFF When ON, this option allows sending DRMF to S0 extension.72 STNHOLD PICK OFF When ON, this option allows a different extension to pick upintercom hold.73 AREA DELETE OFF In a Phonebook outgoing call, this option allows deleting thearea code and making the outgoing call.74 ELCR DIALTON OFF In Second lcr operation, this option allows generating a dif-ferent dial tone.75 NET DTMF FWD OFF When ON, ext fwd is specified in SPnet when only the sta-tion port is captured and the dial tone is heard.76 3.1K W/O HLC OFF When ON, an incoming call is dialed when the type of ISDNincoming call is 3.1K AUDIO type without HLC.77 AOC CALLCOST OFF Hotel ENABLE option ON