CHAPTER 2. MMC ProgrammingSamsung Business Communications 2-21(continued)No Feature Default Description14 NOT CONT.CID ON When OFF, the Caller ID will be displayed for the dura-tion of the call. When ON, displays timer for duration ofcall (if AUTO TIMER also set on).15 AUTO ANS CO OFF When ON, keyset will automatically answer outside callsthrough the speakerphone. For this to work, the keysetmust be set to Auto Answer mode in MMC 103. Calls togroups cannot be auto-answered.16 ENBLOCK 2LCD OFF Enables Enbloc dialling for 2-Line LCD phones. This op-tion only works when 2 LINE ENBLOCK option is en-abled in MMC 861.17 STN NO RING OFF When ON, no tones will be heard when phone rings.18 FEATURE TONE OFF When the extension is set as ‘ON’ and a subscriber setsthe extension function, a tone (message tone) differentfrom dial tone will be heard. The relevant functions areDND, All Forward, Busy Forward, No Answer Forward,Follow Me and Station Lock functions.19 RCV GPU INFO OFF When ON, the extensions will receive the information ofPING RING. This function can operate in case PINGRING SERVICE is enabled in MMC861.20 MISSED CALL OFF When ON, the information of the missed calls will be dis-played on extensions. The missed call means that theringing call is not answered. The information of themissed calls includes the below- The call which was not answered.- In case the call which was occurred by groupcall was not answered.- In case the call by group call was overflowed tothe other extension.- The call which was forwarded because of set-ting NO ANSWER FORWARD- The call which was picked up by other exten-sions- In case of Call Waiting, it is not included.21 NO DISP TRK# OFF This feature selects whether the trunk number is dis-played or not for the duration of the call. When ON, in-coming or outgoing number without trunk number will bedisplayed. If there is no incoming/outgoing number to bedisplayed, only trunk number will be shown.310BDEFAULT DATASEE DESCRIPTIONSOME OPTIONS DEPEND ON COUNTRY