5.7 H: Terminal FunctionsYASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 27G YASKAWA AC Drive A1000 Technical Manual 263Parameter Details5 H4-02, H4-03: Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal FM Gain and BiasH4-05, H4-06: Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal AM Gain and BiasParameter H4-02 and H4-05 set the terminal FM and AM output signal level when the value of the selected monitor is at100%. Parameter H4-03 and H4-06 set the terminal FM and AM output signal level when the value of the selectedmonitor is at 0%. Both are set as a percentage, where 100% equals 10 Vdc or 20 mA analog output and 0% equals 0 V or4 mA. The output voltage of both terminals is limited to +/-10 Vdc.The output signal range can be selected between 0 to +10 Vdc, -10 to +10 Vdc, or 4 to 20 mA using parameter H4-07 andH4-08. Figure 5.86 illustrates how gain and bias settings work.Using Gain and Bias to Adjust Output Signal LevelWhen viewing a gain setting parameter (H4-02 or H4-05) on the digital operator, the analog output will supply a voltagesignal equal to 100% of the monitor value (including changes made from bias and gain settings). When viewing a biassetting parameter (H4-03 or H4-06), the analog output voltage will supply a signal equal to 0% monitor value.Example 1: To have an output signal of 5 V at terminal FM when the monitored value is at 100%, set H4-02 to 50%.Example 2: To have an output signal of 10 V at terminal FM when the monitored value is at 76.7%, set H4-02 to 150%.Figure 5.86Figure 5.86 Analog Output Gain and Bias Setting Example 1 and 2Example 3: To have an output signal of 3 V at terminal FM when the monitored value is at 0%, set H4-03 to 30%.Figure 5.87Figure 5.87 Analog Output Gain and Bias Setting Example 3No. Name Setting Range DefaultH4-02 Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal FM Gain -999.9 to 999.9% 100.0%H4-03 Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal FM Bias -999.9 to 999.9% 0.0%H4-05 Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal AM Gain -999.9 to 999.9% 50.0%H4-06 Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal AM Bias -999.9 to 999.9% 0.0%Output VoltageOutput Voltage0 V5 V10 V Gain 150%Bias 0%Gain = 150%Bias = 0%Gain = 100%Bias = 0%Gain = 50%Bias = 0%Gain 100%Bias 0%Gain 50%Bias 0%100%Monitor ValueMonitor Value0%H4-07, 08 = 0 H4-07, 08 = 110V-10 V100%5 V15V-5 V-15 V-100%Gain = 100%Bias = 30%Gain = 100%Bias = 0%Gain 100%Bias 30%Gain 100%Bias 0%Monitor ValueMonitor Value0 V3 V10 V100%0%Output VoltageOutput VoltageH4-07, 08 = 0 H4-07, 08 = 110V-10 V100%3 V-4 V-100%