Name Type Default DescriptionOPRCVD BOOLEAN 0 Operate command for a controllable data objectreceivedOPRCVD_VLD BOOLEAN 0 Valid data on OPRCVD inputOPOK BOOLEAN 0 Operate command for a controllable data objectacceptedOPOK_VLD BOOLEAN 0 Valid data on OPOK inputEEHEALTH INTEGER -1 External equipment healthEEHEALTH_VLD BOOLEAN 0 Valid data on EEHEALTH inputOPCAP INTEGER -1 Operating capabilityOPCAP_VLD BOOLEAN 0 Valid data on OPCAP inputCOMMVALID BOOLEAN 0 Communication validXIN GROUPSIGNAL- Execution information from CSWIPID-6712-OUTPUTSIGNALS v3Table 112:XLNPROXY Output signalsName Type DescriptionXPOS GROUP SIGNAL Group connection to CSWISELECTED BOOLEAN Select conditions are fulfilledOP_BLKD BOOLEAN Indication that the function is blocked for opencommandsCL_BLKD BOOLEAN Indication that the function is blocked for closecommandsOPENPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus open positionCLOSEPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus closed positionCNT_VAL INTEGER Operation counter valueL_CAUSE INTEGER Latest value of the error indication duringcommandEEHEALTH INTEGER External equipment health. 1=No warning oralarm, 2=Warning, 3=AlarmOPCAP INTEGER Switch / breaker operating capability8.3.9.4 SettingsPID-6712-SETTINGS v3Table 113:XLNPROXY Non group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionSwitchType Circuit BreakerLoad BreakDisconnectorEarthing SwitchHS Earth Switch- - Circuit Breaker 0 = CB, 1 = Load Break, 2 =Disconnector, 3 = Earthing Switch, 4 =High Speed Earthing SwitchtStartMove 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Supervision time for the apparatus tomove after a commandtIntermediate 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.150 Allowed time for intermediate position1MRK 511 424-UEN B Section 8ControlBay control REC650 2.2 IEC 243Technical manual