Only characters A - Z, a - z and 0 - 9 should be used in user namesand passwords.The maximum of characters in a password is 18.At least one user must be included in the UserAdministrator groupto be able to write users, created in PCM600, to IED.SEMOD176296-5 v10At delivery the default user is the SuperUser. No Log on is required to operate theIED until a user has been created with the IED User Management..Once a user is created and downloaded to the IED, that user can perform a Log on,introducing the password assigned in the tool.If there is no user created, an attempt to log on will display a message box: “Nouser defined!”If one user leaves the IED without logging off, then after the timeout (set in Mainmenu/Settings/General Settings/HMI/Screen/Display Timeout) elapses, the IEDreturns to Guest state, when only reading is possible. The display time out is set to10 minutes at delivery.If there are one or more users created with the IED User Management anddownloaded into the IED, then, when a user intentionally attempts a Log on orwhen the user attempts to perform an operation that is password protected, the Logon window will appear.The cursor is focused on the User identity field, so upon pressing the key, theuser can change the user name, by browsing the list of users, with the “up” and“down” arrows. After choosing the right user name, the user must press the “E”key again. When it comes to password, upon pressing the key, the followingcharacter will show up: “$”. After all the letters are introduced (passwords are casesensitive) choose OK and press the key again.If everything is alright at a voluntary Log on, the local HMI returns to theAuthorization screen. If the Log on is OK, when required to change for example apassword protected setting, the local HMI returns to the actual setting folder. If theLog on has failed, then the Log on window opens again, until either the user makesit right or presses “Cancel”. Authorization with Central Account Management enabled IEDGUID-1A836989-5D89-4F3D-B3A2-3BABCDFFB440 v2The users, their roles and rights are created, deleted and edited only in the CentralAccount Management server (SDM600). However, the user rights can be edited inthe IED by using the PCM600 user tool.Section 14 1MRK 511 424-UEN BSecurity596 Bay control REC650 2.2 IECTechnical manual