TRMF1F2F3F4MU2MU1Lost dataBlocked functionSMAI3SMAI2SMAI1IEC16000049-2-en.vsdxIEC16000049 V2 EN-USFigure 245: An example of function blocking13.4.6.1 IEC 61850 quality expander QUALEXP GUID-9C5DC78E-041B-422B-9668-320E62B847A2 v1The quality expander component is used to display the detailed quality of anIEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE analog channel. The component expands the channelquality output of a Merging Unit analog channel received in the IED as per the IEC61850-7-3 standard. This component can be used during the ACT monitoring to getthe particular channel quality of the Merging Unit.The expanded quality bits are visible on the outputs as per IEC 61850-7-3 standard.When written to IED, the configuration will show the expanded form of therespective MU channel quality information during the online monitoring in theACT.The validity status of the quality as described in IEC 61850-7-3 is expanded toGood, Invalid, Reserved and Questionable (QUEST) outputs.The detailed quality as described in IEC 61850-7-3 is expanded to Overflow, Outof Range (OUTRANGE), Bad reference (BADREF), Oscillatory (OSC), Failure,old data, inconsistent (INCONS) and inaccurate (INACC) outputs.The source status of the quality as described in IEC 61850-7-3 is expanded toProcess and Substituted (SUBST) outputs.The other quality statuses (Test, Operator Blocked (OPBLKD) and Derived) areshown as they are.1MRK 511 424-UEN B Section 13Station communicationBay control REC650 2.2 IEC 525Technical manual