Operation principle GUID-0E25A3FB-41BD-4EFE-9CA0-1262B9CD14CD v4The DATAVALID output will be HIGH if the incoming message is with valid data.The COMMVALID output will become LOW when the sending IED is under totalfailure condition and the GOOSE transmission from the sending IED does nothappen.The TEST output will go HIGH if the sending IED is in test mode.Data Value Data Valid Comm Valid TestIncoming data with q=Normal Updated 1 1 0Incoming data with q=oldData 0 0 1 0Incoming data with q=Invalid 0 0 1 0Incoming data with q=test 0 0 1 1Incoming data with q=test+oldData 0 0 1 1Receiver in block 0 0 1 0Receiver in block andcommunication error0 0 0 0Receiver in test mode and incomingdata with q= NormalUpdated 1 1 0Receiver in test mode and incomingdata with q= TestUpdated 1 1 1Communication Error 0 0 0 0The input of this GOOSE block must be linked either in SMT bymeans of a cross or in ACT by means of a GOOSE connection (ifeasy GOOSE engineering is enabled) to receive the binary singlepoint values.The implementation for IEC 61850 quality data handling isrestricted to a simple level. If quality data validity is GOOD thenthe DATAVALID output will be HIGH. If quality data validity isINVALID, QUESTIONABLE, OVERFLOW, FAILURE or OLDDATA then the DATAVALID output will be LOW.1MRK 511 424-UEN B Section 13Station communicationBay control REC650 2.2 IEC 503Technical manual