SettingsPID-3561-SETTINGS v7Table 117:QCRSV Non group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptiontCancelRes 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 10.000 Supervision time for canceling thereservationParamRequest1 Other bays res.Only own bay res.- - Only own bay res. Reservation of the own bay only, atselection of apparatus 1ParamRequest2 Other bays res.Only own bay res.- - Only own bay res. Reservation of the own bay only, atselection of apparatus 2ParamRequest3 Other bays res.Only own bay res.- - Only own bay res. Reservation of the own bay only, atselection of apparatus 3ParamRequest4 Other bays res.Only own bay res.- - Only own bay res. Reservation of the own bay only, atselection of apparatus 4ParamRequest5 Other bays res.Only own bay res.- - Only own bay res. Reservation of the own bay only, atselection of apparatus 5ParamRequest6 Other bays res.Only own bay res.- - Only own bay res. Reservation of the own bay only, atselection of apparatus 6ParamRequest7 Other bays res.Only own bay res.- - Only own bay res. Reservation of the own bay only, atselection of apparatus 7ParamRequest8 Other bays res.Only own bay res.- - Only own bay res. Reservation of the own bay only, atselection of apparatus Operation principleM13505-4 v3The Bay reserve (QCRSV) function handles the reservation. QCRSV functionstarts to operate in two ways. It starts when there is a request for reservation of theown bay or if there is a request for reservation from another bay. It is only possibleto reserve the function if it is not currently reserved. The signal that can reserve theown bay is the input signal RES_RQx (x=1-8) coming from switch controller(SCWI). The signals for request from another bay are the outputs RE_RQ_B andV_RE_RQ from function block RESIN. These signals are included in signalEXCH_OUT from RESIN and are connected to RES_DATA in QCRSV.The parameters ParamRequestx (x=1-8) are chosen at reservation of the own bayonly (TRUE) or other bays (FALSE). To reserve the own bay only means that noreservation request RES_BAYS is created.Reservation request of own bay M13505-7 v2If the reservation request comes from the own bay, the function QCRSV has toknow which apparatus the request comes from. This information is available withthe input signal RES_RQx and parameter ParamRequestx (where x=1-8 is thenumber of the requesting apparatus). In order to decide if a reservation request ofthe current bay can be permitted QCRSV has to know whether the own bay alreadyis reserved by itself or another bay. This information is available in the outputsignal RESERVED.Section 8 1MRK 511 424-UEN BControl248 Bay control REC650 2.2 IECTechnical manual