Section 14: SNA Gateways AXIS 5570e/AXIS 5670e User’s Manual248Concentrator gateway,generalA concentrator gateway typically behaves as a PU (or a few PUs) tothe host, even though a number of PUs may be available downstream.If it is an SDLC or channel attached gateway, typically only one SDLCor sub-channel address will be used. Examples of concentratorgateways are: IBM Communications Manager/2 (OS/2), NovellNetWare for SAA (NetWare 3.x), Microsoft SNA Server (Windows NT),etc.When an AXIS 5570e/AXIS 5670e is attached to this type of gateway,you can map the chosen AXIS 5570e/AXIS 5670e LU to any host LUyou like. This way, several print servers may be accessed through thesame gateway.Pooling LUs may not be used for AXIS 5570e/AXIS 5670e.Concentrator Gateway,NetWareThis is an outline of the procedure for configuring to a NovellNetWare for SAA v 2.0 Server. More information is provided in the‘Suppor’t section of www.axis.com1. Customize the AUTOEXEC and STARTUP files on the server. Addthe LOAD statements for the LAN and WAN cards, the BTRIEVEdatabase, and the NetWare for SAA 2.0 Gatewayi.e. LOAD COMMEXEC and LOAD NWSAA.2. Configure the Communication Executive (this and the followingsubjects are done on a WorkStation).3. Configure SNA Network ID. Either change the default value or letit stay on default.4. Configure Data Link Adapters. The configuration is done on theData Link Adapters Definitions screen by pressing insert for anew adapter config, then you always enter the Logical adaptername, Link type, Logical adapter number and Service status.