AXIS 5570e/AXIS 5670e User’s Manual Section 3: Basic Installation 31Notes:• The AXIS 5570e/AXIS 5670e supports WINS (Windows Internet NameService), which is recommended when setting the IP address using DHCP inWindows environments.• The Ethernet Address is the same as the serial number, found on the printserver’s underside label. Enter the Ethernet Address in the same format asin the example above.• Setting the IP address with arp and ping is only possible in the first tenminutes after re-booting the print server.• When you execute the ping command for the first time, you mayexperience a significantly longer response time than usual.• The arp command varies between different UNIX systems.• You need root privileges on your UNIX system in order to execute the arpcommand and run axinstall .• Some BSD type systems expect the host name and serial number in reverseorder. Furthermore IBM AIX systems will require the additional argumentether.Example: arp -s ether temp