13-6 Troubleshooting Chapter 13Message Error Code Cause ActionBUSY/NO SIGNAL(Continued)CARTRIDGE JAMMEDCHANGE CARTRIDGECHECK DOCUMENT——#001The receiving faxmachine did not answerwithin 55 seconds (afterall automatic rediallingattempts).The cartridge holdercannot move. This isnormally due to apaper jam.You pressed C and thecartridge holder ismoving to the centreof the unit.The BJ cartridge isempty or its ink mayhave dried out.The document is jammedin the ADF.Contact the other party andhave them check their faxmachine. You can try tosend the document usingmanual sending via thehandset (1 p. 7-7). For anoverseas call, add pausesto the registered number.(1 p. 9-2)Clear the paper jam orwhatever is obstructing thecartridge holder and thenpress Resume. Do notattempt to move thecartridge holder manually.Wait until the cartridgeholder stops, then replacethe BJ cartridge or tanks(1 pp. 12-12, 12-15).When you are finished,press C and close theprinter cover. Wait for theunit to return to standbymode.Clean the BJ cartridge printhead (1 p. 12-11). If themessage remains in theLCD, replace the BJcartridge (1 p. 12-12). Theunit will then printautomatically any faxesreceived in memory.Remove the document youare trying to send or copy(1 p. 13-3) and startagain.