6-10 Speed Dialling Chapter 6❚ To register a group under a coded speeddialling code:Press Coded Dial, then use the numeric Ex:buttons to enter the code under which youwant to register the group (00 to 99).• If a coded speed dialling code has alreadybeen registered, CODED SPEED or GROUPDIAL appears.nIf you wish to register a group under abutton or code already registered forspeed dialling, or you want to re-enter agroup, you must delete the previousinformation first. (1 pp. 6-3, 6-6)8 Press Set twice.9 Enter the one-touch and/or coded speeddialling numbers you want to register in thegroup.❚ To enter a destination registered for one-touch speed dialling:Press Function, then press the one-touch Ex:speed dialling button(s) assigned to thenumber(s) you want to register in thegroup. Then press Function again.❚ To enter a destination registered for codedspeed dialling:Press Coded Dial, then use the numeric Ex:buttons to enter the two-digit code assignedto the number you want to register in thegroup. Repeat for other codes.• The number registered under the button orcode you enter appears, or GROUP DIALappears if you select a group.• You cannot enter numbers not registered forone-touch or coded speed dialling (i.e. withthe numeric buttons).• You can enter buttons or codes that havegroups registered under them.A01=03 3758 211101=905 795 1111TEL=TELEPHONE NUMBERA21=