Chapter 3 Registering Information 3-9RegisteringInformationPrinting a List to Check Information Registered inYour UnitYou can print the USER ’S DATA LIST to check the sender information and currentsettings of your unit.Follow this procedure to print the USER’S DATA LIST:1 Press Function.2 Press Report.3 Use d or u to select USER DATA LIST.4 Press Set.• The unit prints the USER’S DATA LIST.The sender information is shown at the beginning of the list. The current settings ofyour unit are listed after this.*********************************************************** ***USER’S DATA LIST1.USER SETTINGSUNIT TELEPHONE # 123 4567UNIT NAME CANONTX TERMINAL ID ONTTI POSITION OUTSIDE IMAGETELEPHONE # MARK FAXSCANNING CONTRAST STANDARDOFFHOOK ALARM ONVOLUME CONTROLCALLING VOLUME 2KEYPAD VOLUME 2ALARM VOLUME 2LINE MONITOR VOL. 2RX CALL LEVEL HIGHTEL LINE TYPE TOUCH TONE27/12 2001 17:23 FAX 123 4567 CANON 001PRINTING REPORTUSER DATA LISTACTIVITY REPORT