Appendix B Handset B-3HandsetAttaching the Handset to Your UnitFollow this procedure to attach the handset to your unit:1 Use two of the screws provided to attachthe handset cradle to the cradle support.• Push the screws in with your finger or use across-point screwdriver. Make sure thescrews are inserted all the way in.2 Before attaching the cradle support toyour unit, remove the BJ cartridge.• To remove the cartridge follow steps 1 to 5on pages 12-12 and 12-13.• Store the BJ cartridge in the BJ cartridgecontainer provided with your unit.3 Disconnect the power cord from your unit.4 Turn the unit on its side and whilesupporting it, use a screwdriver toremove the two covers on the bottom ofthe unit.5 Support the unit and use the remainingtwo screws provided to attach the cradlesupport to the unit.• Push the screws in with your finger or use across-point screwdriver. Make sure thescrews are inserted all the way in.• Make sure you support the unit wheninserting the screws.