3-6 Registering Information Chapter 3Registering Sender InformationWhat is Sender Information?When you receive a fax, the name of the person or company who sent you the fax,their fax/telephone number, and the date and time of transmission may be printed insmall type at the top of each page. This information is called the Sender information orthe Transmit Terminal Identification (TTI). Similarly, you can register your details in yourunit so that whenever you send a fax, the other party knows who sent it, and when itwas sent. Below is an example of how your sender information would print on a faxsent from your unit:n• You can set the sender information to print inside or outside the image area.(1 TTI POSITION, p. 14-4)• You can enter the sender information from the operation panel (1 p. 3-7), or from theMultiPASS Suite. (1 Software User’s Guide)27/12 2001 10:12 FAX 123 4567 CANON CANON CANADA 001THE SLEREXE COMPANY LIMITEDSAPORS LANE•BOOLE•DORSET•BH25 8ERTELEPHONE BOOLE (945 13) 51617 – FAX 123456Our Ref. 350/PJC/EACDATE AND TIMEDate and time oftransmission.FAX/TELEPHONENUMBERYour fax/telephonenumber.You can select FAX orTEL to be displayed infront of the number.(1 TELEPHONE #MARK, p. 14-4)UNIT NAMEYour name orcompany name. DESTINATIONIf you used memory sending anddialled the fax number usingspeed dialling, the other party’sname appears here.PAGE NUMBERThe page numberof the fax.