CHAPTER 3 IMAGE READING/PROCESSING SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2000 CANON iR1600/iR2000/iR1610/iR2010 SERIES REV.0 MAR. 20023-164.8.2 Changing the Reproduction Ratio in Sub Scanning DirectionThe reproduction ratio in sub scanning direction (paper feed direction) is changed bycontrolling the speed at which the carriage is moved in book mode or the speed at whichoriginal is moved in ADF mode.The speed at which the carriage is moved (the original is moved by the ADF) is in-creased for reduction or decreased for enlargement, thereby changing the width of thescanning line per pixel.However, when FAX mode is combined with standard or fine mode, reading occurs atthe speed used at 50% reduction, and then the image processor PCB processes the resultso that the image will be of the desired size.[1] enlargementThe speed at which the carriage is moved or the original is moved by the ADF is de-creased in relation to Direct; e.g.,for 200%, the speed is halved from 100%.[2] 50% and 99%The speed at which the carriage is moved or the original is moved by the ADF is in-creased in relation to Direct; e.g.,for 50%, the speed is doubled from 100%.