COPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2001 2001 2001 2001 CANON Printer Board-N1/iN-E5 REV.0 MAR. 2002 3 - 7CHAPTER 3 DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY1.3.3 After Replacementa. Transfer the Printer Settings1) Remove the RAM DIMM/ROMDIMM/EEPROM (IC4, 5) from the ex-isting printer board, and mount them tothe same locations on the new printerboard.If a ROM DIMM designed forupgrading exists on the oldprinter board, be sure that thebuilt-in ROM or the upgradingROM on the new printer boardare of the latest version.2) Press the Additional Functions key andthen the #/ID (#) key in the controlpanel to start service mode.3) Using the cursor key, select #8 PDL(printer-related service mode).4) Using the cursor key, select PDL-PCLMENU, and press the OK key.5) Using the cursor key, select SERVICEMENU, and Press the OK key.6) If equipped with fax functions, pressthe printer key to enter the printer ser-vice menu.7) Go through the steps in F03-103-04.F03-103-048) Press the Go/OK key to end servicemenu.Press the Menu key.Press the Item key.Press the Value key.Press the Enter key.Press the Enter key.ENDFEEDER MENUN RV A M M E N UN RV A M M E N UN RV A M = C H E C KN RV A M M E N UN RV A M = D U P L I C A T E+ ER A L L Y / - I G N O R E2 3, - > 1D NO E