COPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2001 2001 CANON iR1600/iR2000/iR1610/iR2010 SERIES REV.0 MAR. 2002xviiiCONTENTS2.1.5 Adjusting the Image Positionfor ADF Copying ............... 13-92.2 Fixing System ........................ 13-112.2.1 Checking the FixingRoller Pressure (nip) ....... 13-112.3 Electrical Parts ...................... 13-122.3.1 When Replacing theMajor Parts ...................... 13-122.3.2 Gain Auto Adjustment .... 13-122.3.3 When Replacing theContact Sensor ................ 13-122.3.4 When Replacing theImage Processor PCB ..... 13-132.3.5 When Replacing theDC Controller PCB ......... 13-152.3.6 When Replacing theAnalog Processor PCB .... 13-152.4 Checking the Sensors ............ 13-162.4.1 Checking the Sensors ...... 13-163 Troubleshooting Image/Operation Faults ............................. 13-193.1 Making Initial Checks onImage Faults .......................... 13-193.1.1 Site of Installation ........... 13-193.1.2 Checking the Originals ... 13-193.1.3 Copyboard Cover andCopyboard Glass(standard white plate) ..... 13-193.1.4 Checking the TransferCharging Roller/Static Eliminator ............. 13-203.1.5 Checking the Drum Unit .. 13-203.1.6 Checking the Paper ......... 13-203.1.7 Image Adjustment BasicProcedure ......................... 13-203.1.8 Others .............................. 13-203.2 Image Fault Samples ............. 13-223.3 Troubleshooting ImageFaults ..................................... 13-233.3.1 The copy is too light.(halftone only) ................. 13-233.3.2 The copy is too light. (both half-tone and solid black) ........ 13-233.3.3 The copy is too light. (entirecopy, appreciably) ........... 13-233.3.4 The copy has uneven density.(darker along front) ......... 13-263.3.5 The copy has uneven density.(lighter along front) ........ 13-263.3.6 The copy is foggy.(entire copy) .................... 13-273.3.7 The copy is foggy.(feeding direction) .......... 13-283.3.8 The copy has black lines.(feeding direction, fuzzy,thick) ............................... 13-283.3.9 The copy has black lines. (feed-ing direction, fine) ............ 13-283.3.10 The copy has white strips.(feeding direction) ............ 13-293.3.11 The copy has white lines.(feeding direction) ............ 13-293.3.12 The output has white strips.(cross-feeding direction) . 13-303.3.13 The back of the copy issoiled ............................... 13-313.3.14 The copy has a poorfixing ................................ 13-323.3.15 The copy has displaced registra-tion. (leading edge extremelyexcessive margin) ............. 13-333.3.16 The copy has displaced registra-tion. (leading edge, excessivemargin) ............................. 13-333.3.17 The copy has displaced regis-tration. (leading edge, nomargin) ............................. 13-333.3.18 The copy has blurredimages .............................. 13-343.3.19 The copy is foggy.(cross-feeding direction) . 13-353.3.20 The copy has poorsharpness. ........................ 13-363.3.21 The copy is blank. ............ 13-373.3.22 The copy is solid black. .... 13-383.3.23 The copy has a black line(stream reading). ............. 13-393.4 TroubleshootingMalfunctions .......................... 13-403.4.1 AC power is absent. ......... 13-40