COPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2001 2001 2001 2001 CANON Printer Board-N1/iN-E5 REV.0 MAR. 2002 4 - 7CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING2.2 Warning MessagesA warning message may be may be any of the following; take the action given to suiteach message:MessageMEMORY OVERFLOWFLASH OVERFLOWMRT COMPRESSIONDISK ALMOST FULLDISK FULLREADY JOB LOGFULLREADY NEAR STORELIMITMeaningA memory overflow has oc-curred.A memory overflow has oc-curred in the optional FlashROM.The printer is processing com-plex data.The optional hard disk is 70% ormore full.The optional hard disk is 95%full, and the printer will gooffline.The amount of stored job logswill exceed the maximum limit.The number of stored print jobswill exceed the maximum of9500.ActionThe printer has received more data thanit can hold in the available memory onthe printer board.If AUTOCONT is ON (CONFIGMENU), the print job will be put backonline after 10 sec. If AUTOCONT isOFF, the printer will go offline.Press the Go key and the print job willcontinue printing, although data may belost.Simplify the print job by deleting un-necessary fonts or macros from theprinter memory, or add additionalmemory to the printer.The printer has received more font andmacro data than it can hold in the avail-able memory of the Flash ROM. Theprinter will go offline. Press the Go but-ton to put the printer back online.Format the Flash ROM or delete fontand macro data to create more space.The printer is using MRT Compressionbecause the page is too complex.Wait a moment for the operation tocomplete.Delete any font or macro files that areno longer needed to increase the amountavailable disk space.The printer will be put back online after10 sec, if AUTOCONT is ON (CONFIGMENU).Delete any fonts or macro files that areno longer needed to increase the amountof available disk space.Delete unnecessary job logs from thehard disk.Delete unnecessary print jobs from thehard disk.