CHAPTER 13 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2000 CANON iR1600/iR2000/iR1610/iR2010 SERIES REV.0 MAR. 2002 13-187E577 The return roller does not reach home position when the delivery motor(M1) is driven for a specific time. (If the same condition is detected whilealignment takes place in the direction of feed, a jam will be identified.)Possible cause The delivery motor (M1) on the finisher controller PCB is faulty. The re-turn roller home position sensor (S3) is faulty. The connector is discon-tented or has an open circuit. The delivery motor relay harness is faulty.The return roller is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.Remedy1) Delivery motor (drive mechanism)Is the return roller rotation when the motor is rotating CCW?NO : Correcting the drive mechanism.Is the return roller displaced?NO : Correct the return roller spring.Is the tension of the delivery motor drive belt appropriate?NO : Loosen the screw, and correct the tension.2) Return roller home position sensor (S3)Check the return roller home position sensor (S3). Is the sensornormal?NO : Replace the sensor.3) Delivery motor (M1), Finisher controller PCBTry replacing the delivery motor (M1). Is the fault corrected?YES : End.NO : Replace the finisher controller PCB.E580 The stack tray upper limit sensor (S1) goes ON while the stack tray up/down motor (M5) is in operation.The clock signal of the stack tray up/down clock sensor (S9) is not de-tected 15 times or more within 0.8 sec while the stack tray up/down motor(M5) is in operation.It does not reach the stack tray paper height sensor (S10) 2 sec after thestack tray up/down motor (M5) rotates for ascent.It does not leave the stack tray power height sensor (S10) 2 sec after thestack tray up/down motor (M5) starts to rotate for descent.Possible cause The stack tray up/down motor (M5) is faulty. The stack tray paper heightsensor (S10) is faulty. The sensor connector is disconnected or has anopen circuit. The stack tray up/down clock sensor (SW9) is faulty. Thesensor connector is disconnected or has an open circuit. The stack tray up/down motor is subjected to an abnormal load. The finisher controller PCBis faulty.