CHAPTER 13 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2000 CANON iR1600/iR2000/iR1610/iR2010 SERIES REV.0 MAR. 2002 13-101[Bit 2]The direction of scanning may be set for binary image data if bit 1 of SW05 is set to ‘1:yes’ for the use of metric/inch conversion. This switch also affects halftone images if bit 2of SW05 is set to ‘1: yes’ for inch/metric conversion of halftone images (text/photo, photomode).If ‘0: only for main scanning or sub scanning direction’ is selected, the following will takepale:• Conversion will take place only in sub scanning direction in the case of conversionfrom inch to metric (e.g., for G3 transmission).• Conversion will take place only in main scanning direction in the case of conversionfrom metric to inch.[Bit 4]Use it to specify whether or not to declare an inch resolution to the other party at time ofG3 communication.If set to ‘1’, a declaration will be made using the DIS, DCS, or DTC signal to the effectthat the machine is designed to read and record images at an inch resolution.MemoThe type of image and the direction of scanning for inch/meter resolutionconversion are determined by combinations of bits 1 and 2 of SW05 andbit 2 of SW14 of #1 SSSW as well as the type of dialing used.