COPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2001 2001 CANON iR1600/iR2000/iR1610/iR2010 SERIES REV.0 MAR. 2002 xiiiCONTENTS1 Outline ................................................ 6-11.1 Specifications andConstructions ............................. 6-11.2 Arrangement ofMajor Rollers and Sensors ........ 6-22 Controlling the Pickup Assembly ...... 6-32.1 Controlling the Pickupfrom the Cassette ....................... 6-32.1.1 Outline ................................. 6-32.1.2 Pickup form the Cassette .... 6-42.1.3 Pickup Retry ........................ 6-62.1.4 Detecting the Size of Paper inthe Cassette ......................... 6-72.2 Controlling the Pickupfrom the Multifeeder Tray ........ 6-82.2.1 Outline ................................. 6-82.2.2 Pickup from theMultifeeder Tray ................. 6-92.2.3 Multifeeder RetryOperation ........................... 6-112.2.4 Setting the Paper Sizefor the Multifeeder Tray(user mode) ....................... 6-113 Controlling the RegistrationRoller ................................................ 6-12CHAPTER 6 PICKUP/FEEDING SYSTEM3.1 Detecting the Leading Edge ofPaper ........................................ 6-124 Detecting Jams ................................. 6-134.1 Outline ..................................... 6-134.2 Sequence of Jam Detection ..... 6-144.2.1 Delay Jam .......................... 6-144.2.2 Stationary Jams ................. 6-164.2.3 Cover Open Jam ................ 6-174.2.4 Jam History ....................... 6-175 Disassembly and Assembly ............. 6-185.1 Cassette Pickup Assembly ...... 6-195.1.1 Remove the Cassette PickupAssembly ........................... 6-195.1.2 Removing the CassettePickup Roller ..................... 6-215.1.3 Removing the Feeding/Separation Roller .............. 6-225.1.4 Removing the CassettePickup Solenoid ................ 6-225.1.5 Removing the Paper SizeDetecting Switch ............... 6-225.1.6 Removing the Cassette PaperSensor ................................ 6-235.1.7 Removing the RetrySensor ................................ 6-234.3.1 Controlling the DC Bias to aConstant Current Level ....... 5-94.3.2 Controlling the DC Bias to aConstant Level .................... 5-94.4 Correcting the Voltage Level(ATVC control) ........................ 5-104.5 Controlling the Output Accordingto Operation Mode .................. 5-104.5.1 Type of Mode .................... 5-105 Detecting the Presence/Absence of aCartridge and the Level of Toner ..... 5-115.1 Outline ..................................... 5-115.2 Sequence of Detection(level of toner) ......................... 5-126 Monitoring the Waste Toner Case ... 5-146.1 Outline ..................................... 5-146.2 Sequence of Operation ............ 5-157 Disassembly and Assembly ............. 5-167.1 Photosensitive Drum ............... 5-177.1.1 Removing the DrumUnit .................................... 5-177.1.2 Cleaning thePhotosensitive Drum ......... 5-177.2 Developing Assembly ............. 5-187.2.1 Removing the DevelopingAssembly ........................... 5-187.3 Transfer Roller ........................ 5-207.3.1 Removing the TransferRoller ................................. 5-20