CHAPTER 13 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2000 CANON iR1600/iR2000/iR1610/iR2010 SERIES REV.0 MAR. 200213-222The page buffer of the other party is full or is engaged; as such, although RNR wasreceived after transmission of EOR-EOM and then RR was transmitted, no signifi-cant signal was received correctly thereafter.(1) Start G3 mode, and transmit once again (Prohibit the ECM mode).(2) Decrease the transmission start speed.(3) Record the protocol on a DAT or MD, and have it analyzed by the local Canonoffice and/or Technical Center.##0780 [TX] In ECM transmission, no significant signal can be received aftertransmission of EOR-EOM, and the allowed number of proceduresignal re-transmissions was exceededCause:Remedy:Cause:Remedy:The line condition is poor, and the other party cannot receive EOR-EOM correctly.(1) Increase the transmission level so that the other party may receive EOR-EOMcorrectly.(2) Adjust the NL equalizer so that the other party may receive EOR-EOM cor-rectly.(3) Add an echo protect tone to the V.29 modem signal for transmission.The line condition is poor, and the significant signal cannot be received correctly.Ask the operator of the other party to increase the transmission level so that the sig-nal may be received correctly.##0782 [TX] In ECM transmission, DCN was received after transmission ofEOR-EOMThe line condition is poor, and the other party cannot receive EOR-EOM correctly.(1) Increase the transmission level so that the other party may receive EOR-EOMcorrectly.(2) Adjust the NL equalizer so that the other party may receive EOR-EOM cor-rectly.(3) Add an echo protect tone to the V.29 modem signal for transmission.The Stop key was pressed during a communication.Transmit once again.Cause:Remedy:Cause:Remedy:##0783 [TX] In ECM transmission, the allowed number of procedure signal re-transmissions was exceeded or a T5 time-over (60 sec) conditionoccurred after transmission of EOR-EOMCause:Remedy: