CHAPTER 13 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2000 CANON iR1600/iR2000/iR1610/iR2010 SERIES REV.0 MAR. 2002 13-109#1 SSSW-SW28: V.8/ V.34 protocol settingsBit01234567FunctionCaller V.8 protocolCalled party V.8 protocolCaller V.8 protocol late startCalled party V.8 protocol late startV.34 reception fallbackV.34 transmission fallbacknot usednot used1NoNoNoNoProhibitedProhibited--0YesYesYesYesNotprohibitedNotprohibited--Factory setting000000[Bit 0]Select whether to use the V.8 protocol when calling. If NO is selected, the V.8 protocol isinhibited at calling and the V.21 protocol is used.[Bit 1]Select whether to use the V.8 protocol when called. If NO is selected, the V8 protocol isinhibited when called and the V.21 protocol is used.[Bit 2]If ANSam signal is not received during transmission (mainly manual transmission), selectwhether to use the V.8 protocol when the other fax machine declares the V.8 protocol inDIS signal. If NO is selected, the CI signal is not transmitted and the V.8 protocol is notused even if the DIS that specifies the V.8 protocol is received.[Bit 3]Select whether to declare the V.8 protocol in DIS signal for reception (mainly callermanual transmission). If NO is selected, the V.8 protocol cannot be used because it is notdeclared in DIS signal.[Bit 4]Select whether the receiver falls back during V.34 reception. If “Prohibit” is selected, thereceiver does not fall back.[Bit 5]Select whether the transmitter falls beck during V.34 transmission. If “Prohibit” is se-lected, the transmitter does not fall back.