COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000P 4CONTENTS1. Outline ............................................ 5-1P1.1 Specifications andConstruction ............................. 5-1P1.2 Arrangement of Roller andSensors ..................................... 5-2P2. Pickup Assembly ............................ 5-4P2.1 Pickup Control System ............. 5-4P2.1.1 Outline ............................... 5-6P2.1.2 Sequence of Operations(pickup) .............................. 5-7P2.1.3 Pickup Retry Operation ...... 5-9P2.1.4 Others .............................. 5-10P2.2 Lifter Movement ..................... 5-11P2.2.1 Outline ............................. 5-11P2.2.2 Lifter Limiter ControlCircuit (right/left deck) ..... 5-13P2.2.3 Detecting the Presence/Absence of Paper ............. 5-14P2.2.4 Detecting the Level ofPaper ................................ 5-14P2.3 Identifying the Size of Paperin the Cassette ......................... 5-17P2.3.1 Right/Left Deck ................ 5-17P2.3.2 Cassette 3/4 ...................... 5-17P2.3.3 Markings on the WidthGuide Rail ........................ 5-19P2.3.4 Paper Sizes ....................... 5-20P2.4 Manual Feed Tray PickupAssembly ............................... 5-23P2.4.1 Pickup Operation ............. 5-23P2.4.2 Detecting the Size of Paperon the Manual Feed Tray . 5-24P3. Controlling the RegistrationClutch ........................................... 5-25P3.1 Outline .................................... 5-25P3.2 Control System ....................... 5-25P4. Double-Sided Prints ..................... 5-26P4.1 Control System ....................... 5-26P4.1.1 Sending Paper to theReversing Assembly AfterPrinting on the First Side . 5-26P4.1.2 Sending Paper from the Revers-ing Assembly to the Duplexing/Feeding Assembly ........... 5-27P4.1.3 Outline ............................. 5-28P4.2 Sequence of Operations(printing) ................................ 5-29P4.3 Through-Path Operation ......... 5-30P4.3.1 Outline ............................. 5-30P4.3.2 Outline of Operations ....... 5-31P4.4 Detecting HorizontalRegistration Position .............. 5-35P4.4.1 Outline ............................. 5-35P4.4.2 Operation ......................... 5-36P5. Controlling the Pickup Assembly . 5-37P5.1 Pickup Assembly Motors ....... 5-37P6. Controlling the DeliveryAssembly ...................................... 5-38P6.1 Reversal Delivery Operation .... 5-38P7. Controlling the Cassette Heater ..... 5-40P8. Detecting Jams .............................. 5-42P8.1 Outline .................................... 5-42P8.1.1 Arrangement of JamSensors ............................ 5-42P8.1.2 Types of Jams .................. 5-43P8.2 Sequence of Operations(jam detection) ...................... 5-44P8.2.1 Delay Jam ........................ 5-44P8.2.2 Stationary Jams ................ 5-46P8.2.3 Jam History ...................... 5-47P9. Disassembly and Assembly .......... 5-48P9.1 Manual Feed Tray Assembly ... 5-49P9.1.1 Removing the RightUpper Cover .................... 5-49P9.1.2 Opening of the RightUpper Cover .................... 5-49P9.1.3 Removing the Manual FeedPull-Out Roller Unit ........ 5-50P9.1.4 Removing the FeedingRoller ............................... 5-50P9.1.5 Removing the SeparationRoller ............................... 5-50PCHAPTER 5 PICK-UP/FEEDING SYSTEMDownload Free Service Manual at