COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000CHAPTER 4 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEM4-8 P• Any of the following three may be selected for potential control executed 10 and 60 minafter the main power switch is turned on (COPIER>OPTION>BODY>PO-CNTMD):[1] OFF (default); no potential control is executed.[2] Reduced mode; reduces the duration by assuming the potential of the other mode afterpotential control.[3] Standard mode; executes potential control for both copying and printing in succession.• Reduced Mode (selected in service mode)One of the two types of potential control is selected, while assuming the control value ofthe other mode.During warm-up after power-on, the primary current, laser output, and developing biasDC value are determined for copying and printing, and the ratio is stored in memory.When potential is controlled again after power-on, potential control for the precedingmode used is executed; for the other, the ratio obtained at power-on is used.The following shows the sequence of operations for reduced mode:F04-201-03Numeric constant set for controlvalue (for copying and printing)Potentialcontrol forcopyingPotentialcontrol forprintingFixing assembly temperature(end of fixing assembly warm-up)Control panel power switch ONStart keyON Potential control Potential controlStart key ON10 min later tobefore 60 min60 min and laterAssumes the controlvalue of the otherfrom potential controlused for copying orprintingAssumes the controlvalue of the other frompotential control used forcopying or printingDownload Free Service Manual at