COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000CHAPTER 7 EXTERNALS AND CONTROLS7-37 P[1][3][2][4][4][5][6][8][6][7][9][11][10][12] [14] [13][12]5.7.3 Vertical Path Duplex Motor (M25), Vertical Path Upper Motor (M26),Deck Right Motor (M11), Lifter Right Motor (M5), and CassettePickup Motor (M12)1) Remove the main controller box.2) Remove the right rear lower cover, rearlower cover, an waste toner bottle.3) By referring to step 3) for the main mo-tor, remove the main power switch baseout of the way.4) Remove the two screws [1], and discon-nect the two connectors [2]; then, de-tach the connector base [3].F07-507-045) Remove the three screws [4], and detachthe waste toner bottle holder [5].Take care not to let the wastetoner go astray.F07-507-056) Remove the three screws [6], and dis-connect the connector [7]; then, detachthe vertical path duplex motor [8].7) Remove the two screws [9], an discon-nect the connector [10]; then, detach thevertical path upper motor [11].8) Remove the two screws [12], and dis-connect the connector [13]; then, detachthe deck right motor [14].F07-507-06Download Free Service Manual at