COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000CHAPTER 5 PICK UP/FEEDING SYSTEM5-54 P9.2 Deck Pickup Assembly9.2.1 Removing the Right Deck Pickup Assembly1) Slide out the right deck.2) Open the right upper cover and the rightlower cover.An attempt to remove thepickup assembly without re-moving the deck will cause thelifter to get trapped, not holdingthe pickup assembly from slid-ing out.3) Remove the mounting screw [1], anddetach the connector cover [2]; then,disconnect the connector [3].4) Remove the three mounting screws [4],and detach the pickup assembly [5].F05-902-019.2.2 Removing the Left Deck Pickup Assembly1) Slide out the left/right deck.2) Remove the two stoppers [2] found onthe left and right sides of the left deck[1]; then, detach the left deck [1].F05-902-02[3][4][4][5][1][2][1][2]Download Free Service Manual at