COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000 P 9CONTENTS1.4 Deck Lifter ............................... 8-9P1.4.1 Detecting the Presence/Absence of Paper ............... 8-9P1.4.2 Indicating the Level of Paperon the Deck Front Cover .. 8-11P1.5 Opening/Closing theCompartment .......................... 8-12P1.5.1 Opening/Closing theCompartment .................... 8-12P1.5.2 Sequence of Operations(opening/closing thecompartment) ................... 8-13P1.6 Controlling the Deck .............. 8-14P1.6.1 Controlling the DeckMain Motor (M101) ........ 8-14P1.6.2 Controlling the DeckLifter Motor (M102) ........ 8-15P2. Detecting Jams .............................. 8-17P2.1 Outline .................................... 8-17P3. Disassembly and Assembly .......... 8-19P3.1 External Covers ...................... 8-20P3.1.1 Removing the FrontCover ............................... 8-20P3.1.2 Removing the RearCover ............................... 8-23P3.1.3 Removing the RightCover ............................... 8-23P3.1.4 Removing the UpperCover .............................. 8-24P3.2 General Descriptions .............. 8-25P3.2.1 Disconnecting the Deckfrom the Host Machine .... 8-25P3.2.2 Removing theCompartment .................... 8-27P3.2.3 Changing the Deck PaperSize Configuration ........... 8-29P3.2.4 Adjusting the DeckRegistration ...................... 8-30P3.2.5 Adjusting the RollPosition ............................ 8-30P3.3 Drive Mechanisms ................. 8-31P3.3.1 Removing the DeckPickup Clutch (CL102) .... 8-31P3.3.2 Removing the Deck MainMotor (M101) .................. 8-31P3.3.3 Removing the Deck LifterMotor (M102) .................. 8-32P3.3.4 Removing the Lifter Cable(front of the deck) ............ 8-33P3.3.5 Removing the Lifter Cable(rear of the deck) ............. 8-35P3.3.6 Routing the Lifter Cable ... 8-37P3.4 Feeding Mechanisms ............. 8-38P3.4.1 Removing the DeckPickup Unit ...................... 8-38P3.4.2 Removing the DeckPickup Roller ................... 8-38P3.4.3 Orientation of the DeckPickup Roller ................... 8-39P3.4.4 Removing the DeckPickup/Feed Roller ........... 8-39P3.4.5 Orientation of the DeckPickup/Feed Roller ........... 8-40P3.4.6 Removing the DeckSeparation Roller .............. 8-40P3.4.7 Adjusting the Pressureof the Deck SeparationRoller ............................... 8-41P3.4.8 Position of the DeckPickup Roller ReleasingSolenoid (SL101) ............. 8-42P3.5 Electrical Mechanisms ............ 8-43P3.5.1 Removing the DeckDriver PCB ...................... 8-43P3.5.2 Removing the OpenSwitch PCB ..................... 8-43PDownload Free Service Manual at