COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000CHAPTER 5 PICK UP/FEEDING SYSTEM5-68 P9.5 Feeding Assembly9.5.1 Removing the Feeding Belt1) Slide the fixing/feeding unit from themachine.2) Remove the fixing front cover, feedingright cover, and feeing left cover.3) Disconnect the two connectors [1], andremove the screw [2]; then, detach theharness guide [3].F05-905-014) Remove the two mounting screws [4],and detach the fixing/feeding unit re-leasing lever support [5].F05-905-025) Remove the E-ring [6], bearing [7], andtwo screws [8] from the front.F05-905-036) Remove the E-ring [9], pulley [10], pin[11], three screws [12], E-ring [13], andbearing [14]; then, detach the feedingbelt unit [15].F05-905-04[3] [1][1][2][4][5][4][6] [8][7][15][12] [13][11][10] [9][14]Download Free Service Manual at