COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000CHAPTER 6 FIXING SYSTEM6-35 P4.5 Fixing Separation Assembly4.5.1 Removing the Upper Separation Claw1) Slide the fixing/feeding unit out of themachine.2) Release the spring [1] used to open thefixing/delivery assembly, and removethe upper separation claw [2].When mounting it, take care notto chip the tip of the upper sepa-ration claw [2].F06-405-014.5.2 Removing the Lower Separation Claw1) Remove the fixing assembly from themachine.2) Remove the two screws, and detach thelower separation claw assembly.3) Remove the spring [1] of the lowerseparation claw.F06-405-024) Remove the three screws [2], and detachthe lower separation claw support plate[3] and the separation claw.F06-405-03[1][2][1][2][2][3]Download Free Service Manual at